Pluto and his friend Saturn - Atelie

Pluto and his friend Saturn

Includes 5% art tax

Size70 × 100 × 4 cm
  • Painting
During the late 1990s, I found myself immersed in one of the most creatively fulfilling periods of my life. Each evening I would retreat to my bedroom studio. It was here, in the quiet and solitude of these hours, that I produced a series of paintings that remain some of my most cherished works. These pieces were not born from any rigid academic theory or external pressure; rather, they flowed naturally, capturing the raw energy and excitement of those moments. The spontaneity and freedom of that time are forever etched into these works, which hold a deep personal affection for me. I worked primarily with acrylics on paper, favoring a large format of approximately 70×100 cm that allowed for bold gestures and expansive compositions. The combination of stencil and brush became my signature approach during this period. The stencils, in reference to Max Ernst’s “Decalcomanie”, provided both structure and form, as well as texture and dynamism, creating a dialogue between control and spontaneity. Acrylics, with their quick-drying nature and vibrant colors, matched the immediacy of my creative impulses, allowing me to layer and experiment without hesitation. These paintings opened many doors for me, both personally and professionally. They are the foundation of my artistic work and to this day, they remain among my favorites.

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