Untitled—Utan Tittel ( ei opphoping - accumulation could be - av objekt og handlingar - all fun and games - alvorstungt og konsentrert - sporadic and beautiful - for å kome seg i mål - gruesome in intent - eller flykte vekk frå startstreken - kind in motion - sjå slutten - circular - utan å evne starten - thus no beginning nor end - for so å alltid starta - is of any particular importance - utan å fullføre ) Xerox collage ( Pineapple, chocolate, Lego, haystack, lemon, cheese, dominoes, Four in a Row, sundae, Mikado, rubik's cube, Spam, KAPLA ) (Vassily Smyslov (USSR) vs. Mikhail Botvinnik (USSR), Moscow, USSR, March 5 - April 27, 1957 ) ( 1st: English Opening: Anglo-Indian Defense. Queen's Knight Variation, 2nd: Sicilian Defense: Richter-Rauzer. Neo-Modern Variation Early deviations, 3rd: King's Indian Defense: Fianchetto. Panno Variation Blockade Line, 4th: Sicilian Defense: Richter-Rauzer. Neo-Modern Variation Early deviations, 5th: English Opening: Anglo-Indian Defense. Queen's Knight Variation, 6th: Gruenfeld Defense: Russian. Smyslov Variation, 7th: Nimzo-Indian Defense: Normal. Bronstein (Byrne) Variation , 8th: Sicilian Defense: Richter-Rauzer. Neo-Modern Variation Early deviations, 9th: King's Indian Defense: Fianchetto Variation. Larsen Defense, 10th: Spanish Game: Closed Variations. Chigorin Defense, 11th: King's Indian Attack: Symmetrical Defense, 12th: Sicilian Defense: Hyperaccelerated Dragon ) 1957 / 2019 Vasily Smyslov and Mikhail Botvinnik / Marius Moldvaer - Atelie

Untitled—Utan Tittel ( ei opphoping - accumulation could be - av objekt og handlingar - all fun and games - alvorstungt og konsentrert - sporadic and beautiful - for å kome seg i mål - gruesome in intent - eller flykte vekk frå startstreken - kind in motion - sjå slutten - circular - utan å evne starten - thus no beginning nor end - for so å alltid starta - is of any particular importance - utan å fullføre ) Xerox collage ( Pineapple, chocolate, Lego, haystack, lemon, cheese, dominoes, Four in a Row, sundae, Mikado, rubik's cube, Spam, KAPLA ) (Vassily Smyslov (USSR) vs. Mikhail Botvinnik (USSR), Moscow, USSR, March 5 - April 27, 1957 ) ( 1st: English Opening: Anglo-Indian Defense. Queen's Knight Variation, 2nd: Sicilian Defense: Richter-Rauzer. Neo-Modern Variation Early deviations, 3rd: King's Indian Defense: Fianchetto. Panno Variation Blockade Line, 4th: Sicilian Defense: Richter-Rauzer. Neo-Modern Variation Early deviations, 5th: English Opening: Anglo-Indian Defense. Queen's Knight Variation, 6th: Gruenfeld Defense: Russian. Smyslov Variation, 7th: Nimzo-Indian Defense: Normal. Bronstein (Byrne) Variation , 8th: Sicilian Defense: Richter-Rauzer. Neo-Modern Variation Early deviations, 9th: King's Indian Defense: Fianchetto Variation. Larsen Defense, 10th: Spanish Game: Closed Variations. Chigorin Defense, 11th: King's Indian Attack: Symmetrical Defense, 12th: Sicilian Defense: Hyperaccelerated Dragon ) 1957 / 2019 Vasily Smyslov and Mikhail Botvinnik / Marius Moldvaer


Size15 × 10 cm
  • Annet
Series of thirteen Postcards, Riso-Print. can be purchased individually (20 NOK) or a full series (200 NOK)

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