Construction I - Atelie

Construction I

Includes 5% art tax

Size78 × 107 cm
  • Painting
  • Prints
I made this silkscreen work in 2022; The work is a part of a larger series, in which I was reflecting on the use of standardized CMYK-colors and the raster unit. I was fascinated by the idea that the 4 colors - cyan, magenta, yellow and key (black) could be used to create any possible image with the help of the humble raster - a building block of any common silkscreen work. The abstracted form was created by shredding up repurposed plastic material, and re-printing the information in vertical, rasterized color blocks to create a new composition. This method of working is especially eco-friendly, as most of the materials are repurposed from items which would otherwise end up in trash. The image is printed on 100% cotton intaglio paper with professional grade oil-based ink. The artwork in its total consists of museum quality, archival materials and is made completely by hand. This artwork was exhibited at a solo exhibition at Galleria Uusi Kipinä in Lahti, Finland, in 2023.

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