Unleashing Creativity: The Impact of Art in the Workspace - Atelie

Unleashing Creativity: The Impact of Art in the Workspace

Artist Vigdis Fjellheim talking about her artistry at Trigger

Ever walked into an office and seen a colorful painting or a cool sculpture? It turns out, art does more than just make the place look nice! It can make us think better, feel less stressed, and work together more easily. Let’s dive into how having art around can really perk up the place where we work!

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Thinking Outside the Box

Art gets our creative juices flowing! A study in 2008 found that being around art helps people come up with new ideas and solve problems better. So, having art around could mean more “Aha!” moments at work!

Feeling Good and Staying Calm

Work can be stressful, but art can help us chill out. A study done by the University of Westminster in 2017 showed that people felt way more relaxed after spending their lunch break at an art gallery. Imagine having that calming effect right in the office!

Happy Workers, Better Work

When people like their workspace, they enjoy their job more and get more done. A study by the Business Committee for the Arts found that having art in the office made workers 32% more productive! That’s a big boost just from enjoying some art!

Talking and Teaming Up

Art isn’t just nice to look at; it gives us something to talk about and brings us together. A 2010 study showed that art helps people communicate and work together better. More art could mean more teamwork!

Mesh in Oslo has an amazing co-working space in Oslo and is leasing art from several artists trough Atelie

Staying Focused

Looking at art can help us feel balanced and focused. A big study found that engaging with art improved people’s moods and helped them concentrate. That’s pretty handy when there’s a lot of work to do!


Having art in the office is a win-win! It makes the place look good, helps us think, keeps us calm, and brings us together. The next time you see a painting in the office, remember – it’s not just decoration, it’s making work better!

From empty walls to inspiring workplace within days

In today's workplace, more companies are discovering the transformative impact that art can have. Partnering with Atelie means enriching your workspace, boosting employee happiness and productivity, while supporting Norway’s thriving artistic community.

Our Services Include:

  • Acquire art from curated collections of talented artists, with flexible payment options, including monthly installment plans for purchases.

  • Rent art for a fixed montly price. Choose from our pre-curated exhibition packages or receive a customized selection tailored to your company’s budget and preferences. We take care of shipping, installation and insurance, with the option to rotate artworks every six months under a rental agreement.

  • Art Commissions: We connect you with artists who create bespoke projects that reflect your company's values, budget, and aesthetic.

  • Art Consultation: Our experienced art consultants assist individuals and businesses in curating and acquiring art.

Contact us at hello@atelie.art for personalized advice, book a free art chat or fill out this form and receive an offer.

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From the left, artist Vigdis Fjellheim, Christian von Hanno and Bente Kvam


  • Borun, M. (2008). Journal of Workplace Learning.
  • University of Westminster (2017).
  • Business Committee for the Arts.
  • Wright, P. (2010). International Journal of Art & Design Education.
  • American Journal of Public Health.

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